It’s the most wonderful time of the year
Isn’t it?...
Houses covered with lights
Fireplaces lined with stockings
Stores packed with shoppers
Airports crammed with travellers
Trees adorned with ornaments
Cards filled with sentiments
It’s the most wonderful time of the year
Is it?...
Perfect smiles flashing under saddened eyes
Fancy suits buttoned over bleeding hearts
Guilty souls regretting the year ending
Frantic minds fretting about the one coming
Selfies showing group trips, hiding personal loneliness
Photos capturing family feasts, concealing relational brokenness
It's the most wonderful time of the year
Whether young or old, far or near
We're busy making up lists, checking them twice
Hiding our naughty and flaunting our nice
But decking the halls doesn’t mend broken homes
Donning gay apparel doesn’t heal wounded hearts
No matter how big a fuss we make over presents
There's no designer watch fancy enough to turn back time
No new phone smart enough to call a lost loved one
No beauty product potent enough make you cheat death
Yes, chestnuts may be roasting on some open fires
And Jack may be nipping at some frosty noses
But there’s no fire hot enough to warm a frigid heart
No holiday feast big enough to satisfy a hungry soul
Sweetest candy cane can’t erase the taste of a sour spirit
Santa can’t find his way through the maze of an anxious mind
It's the most wonderful time of the year
You're caring and sharing with those most dear
Imagine spending your life savings on a special gift
The one thing you knew was needed the most
That thing your loved ones could never afford
Though they adored the beautiful box year after year
They never took the time to open it
So, they’d never even know it’s value
Never experience the joy of owning it
They’d never be able to truly appreciate you
For giving them the best gift they’ll ever get
Leaving you believing, the grinch might have a point
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
And everyone should be of good cheer!
Tis the cookie-baking, carol-singing, jingle-belling season
You may abbreviate its spelling and start it with an X
To truly spell Christmas you have to start with Christ
Enjoying the season, while ignoring the reason
That’s just fa-la-la-ing over the gift wrappings
And missing out on the priceless present within
Why short-change yourself, in the best time of the year?
Tis the merry-making, party-crashing, diet-breaking,
egg-nog drinking, ugly-sweater wearing,
cranky-neighbor greeting, family-feud-ending,
bible-story believing, birth-of-Christ celebrating,
Son-of-God glorifying season!!!