One glance at the sky
And they’re plain to see
Since the fourth day of creation
Those little lights have riddled dark skies
Brilliant balls of incandescence
Each unique in its resplendence
Alas none has ever been or will ever be
As radiant as the famously foretold star
That shone thousands of nights ago
The one the entire host of heaven heralded
And the elements of creation anticipated
The one that a wicked king dreaded
And three astute astrologers sighted
The star that signaled the birth of a babe
A Sovereign; born in a stable
A Son; born of a virgin
The immortal One who embraced mortality
So that mere mortals could attain immortality
The eternal One that died temporarily
So that temporal ones could live eternally
The sinless man who bore all sin
So all sinners could become saints
The flawless man who was disfigured
As the cat-o-nine tails ripped his flesh from his bones
And lash after deadly lash
Left scar after ghastly scar
One glance at the Son
And they’re plain to see
Since the dark day of crucifixion
Those unsightly scars have marred the Savior
Inflicted by exactly 39 lashes
A number that's no accident
See, the Greatest Physician foreknew every single source of infirmity
Ages before doctors numbered exactly 39 root causes of all disease
That precise punishment of the Father’s only begotten Son
Was the perfect provision for all His beloved, adopted children
The resurrected Savior still humbly bears a broken body
Evidence that diseased humanity may freely get divine health
His hurting purchased our healing
His punishing bought our peace
His bleeding brought us blessing
His wounding makes us whole
O what joy, He saves us then sets us free
To shine as little lights in a dark world
Stars, illuminating the splendor of the Son
Simply by our everyday, inexplicable existence
Celebrating independence from the flesh
Embracing dependence on the Sprit
We need never again fear enslavement
For whom the Son frees is free indeed!
We now gratefully enjoy our limitless liberty
Having become stars by His stripes!
Happy 4th of July! P.S. Watch my live performance of Stars by Stripes in this video!